
I am a service provider, How can I use Franchispark?

First of all, to benefit from an optimal visibility on a platform made up of professionals.
Offer your services directly to franchise networks, but also to prospective franchisees who are likely to become entrepreneurs in need of services.
FranchiSpark allows you to prospect « upstream », i.e. even before the company is created !
FranchiSpark is one of the rare platforms allowing you to have your own space. This will give you 24/7 visibility, and prospects interested in your services will be able to contact you directly. This will give you 24/7 visibility, and prospects interested in your services can contact you directly.
The platform has been designed to optimise your search while saving you time !
FranchiSpark works for you!
Find and geolocate prospects in the world of franchising, professional premises, financing, service providers, employees, and even deploy in one or more of the 26 countries covered by FranchiSpark.
But that's not all !
Discover all the Services of the platform, to do so, go directly to the form dedicated to Service Providers

Franchispark Is it free or chargeable ?

Is there a subscription to use Franchispark ?
How much does a page dedicated to my company cost on Franchispark ?
Is there a deadline for the free use of my dedicated space ?
Your company's dedicated space is free of charge and without time limit, as soon as you have registered and completed your profile.


Can I use Franchispark without registering to get an idea ?
Do I have to complete my profile 100% to access Franchispark's services ?
Can I open several user accounts on Franchispark ?

How find clients on the plateform ?

Don't wait to be contacted, be proactive by consulting our user base directly. Geolocate prospects and contact them !
How to find customers on FranchiSpark ?
Is there a charge for searching and displaying prospect forms ?

The prodfessional real estate and commercial on FranchiSpark

This is an essential element of the platform: it offers users the possibility to identify themselves business premises that are suitable for their needs.
The integrated geolocation system is a powerful tool at their disposal, allowing action in just two steps: Geolocation, live contact.
Is FranchiSpark reserved for professional and commercial premises ?
How can users find a professional or commercial space on FranchiSpark ?
Is it free to publish my real estate ads ?
If I find a customer, does FranchiSpark charge me anything ?

Can I find foreign clients ?

Naturally, this is one of FranchiSpark's priority objectives, to offer all its users the possibility of opening up to foreign customers.
Which countries are covered by the platform ?
How are you represented in thee scountries ?
We are a company, how to expand abroad ?

Alerts system and notifications

Set alerts and receive automatic notification when a new user matches your search criteria.
How it works ?
Is there a charge for the alert system ?

My daily of Franchise

What is the FranchiSpark News Feed ?
Where the News Feed appears ?
Can I use the Knowledge Base to publish articles ?
How long do articles stay on the News Feed ?
Can I use the News Feed to advertise my company ?

Knowledges base (FranchiSpark Knowledge Database)

Do I have access to the Knowledge Base with a simple registration ?
What can be found in the Knowledge Base ?
Can I use the Knowledge Base to publish articles ?
Can I use the Knowledge Base to advertise my Brand ?

The network developers

This is an essential position for any organised network.
What is a network developer ?
How network developers can help my business ?

How to advertise on FranchiSpark ?

FranchiSpark offers you the possibility to communicate in an extremely targeted way. Several offers and options are available to you.
To find out more, simply de contact us

Case studies and common use of FranchiSpark

Do I need to be registered on FranchiSpark to prospect by selecting interesting contacts ?
How to contact another user whose profile interests me ?
How to exchange with one of my contacts ?
What happens if I don't accept a contact ?
How to know if Franchispark users want to contact me ?
Do I have to pay every month to keep my contacts ?
I cannot display the complete form for a user I wish to contact.
How to change my password ?
How to change my profile information ?

How to advertise on FranchiSpark ?

FranchiSpark offers you the possibility to communicate in an extremely targeted way, for that several offers and options are at your disposal.
For more information, please visit contact us