
I am a network developer, what can I use Franchispark for ?

For Network Developers, FranchiSpark has a dual function :
1. Create your space in the « Providers » category this allows you to develop your network customers building relationships, being contacted by retailers, see directly by other foreign developers whose clients want to expand into your country.

2. Create your « Network Developer » area enabling you to join the network(s) you are developing, and benefit from the « Dev-Cockpit », a real franchise development management software created by FranchiSpark, and made available to Franchise Developers.
The « Dev-Cockpit » allows you to find on a single interface the live follow-up of all your applicationss, for all the networks you develop.
And all for free !

More generally, FranchiSpark offers you the possibility of finding and geolocating franchise candidates, professional premises, financing, service providers, employees, and even deploying the networks of your clients in one or more of the 26 foreign countries covereds by FranchiSpark.

But that's not all...
FranchiSpark offers you the possibility of deploying your customers' networks in one of the 26 countries covered by the platform, but also to develop foreign franchise networks yourself in your country. by our different offices.

And finally…
Franchise News Feed, Integrated messaging with chat groups, alert/notification system, Dedicated webinars etc.

To find out more about all these services, go directly to the form dedicated to go directly to the form dedicated to

Is Franchispark free or chargeable ?

Is there a subscription to use Franchispark ?
How much is the cost of a page dedicated to my development firm on Franchispark ?
Is there a deadline for the free use of my dedicated space ?
Is there a charge for using the Dev Cockpit management system ?
Are there any other costs ?


Can I use Franchispark without registering to get an ide ?
Do I have to complete my profile 100% to access Franchispark's services ?
Can I open several user accounts on Franchispark ?

How to find franchise candidates on the platform ?

Don't wait to be contacted, be proactive by directly consulting our database of franchise candidates. Geolocate candidates and contact them !
How to find candidates on FranchiSpark ?
Is there a charge for searching and displaying candidate forms? ?

Professional real estate on FranchiSpark

This is an essential element of the platform, it offers franchise networks as well as candidates, and consequently Developers, the possibility to identify themselves commercial premises adapted to their needs.
The integrated geolocation system is a powerful tool at your disposal, allowing an action in only 2 steps: Geolocation, live contact.
How to find a business premises on FranchiSpark ?
If I find a place, does FranchiSpark charge me anything ?

What is the system « Dev Cockpit » ?

Franchise professionals for many years, the founders of FranchiSpark decided to conceive and integrate into the platform a device aiming to facilitate the task of the networks in terms of management of the candidates.

It is a true franchise development management software made available to franchisors and independent franchise developerss.
Thanks to the power of this new tool, you can now find on a single interface live monitoring of all applications from the networks you develop.
As complete as it is simple to use, it has been designed to allow you to follow the applications from the first contact to the signing of the contract !

Here again the « Dev Cockpit » is completely free for Network Developers.

Alerts and notifications system

Set alerts and receive automatic notification as soon as a new user or a new business location matches your search criteria.
How it works ?
Is there a charge for the alert system ?

My Daily Franchise

What is the FranchiSpark News Feed ?
Where the News Feed appears ?
Can I use the Knowledge Base to publish articles ?
How long do articles stay on the News Feed ?
Can I use the News Feed to advertise my development practice ?

The Knowledge Base (Base FKD)

Do I have access to the Knowledge Base with a simple registration ?
What can be found in the Knowledge Base
Can I use the Knowledge Base to publish articles ?
Can I use the FKD database to advertise my development practice ?

Expand your customers internationally !

How to help my clients expand abroad ?
What is my interest in deploying one of my clients abroad ?
How to deploy a network from a foreign FranchiSpark office in my country ?
Which countries do you cover ?
How are you represented in these countries ?
How long does it take to launch a network in another country? ?
How to find Master franchisees for a country ?
How much does it cost to set up abroad ?

Practical cases and current use of FranchiSpark

Do I need to be registered on FranchiSpark to create my network by selecting interesting contacts.
How to contact another user whose profile interests me ?
How to exchange with one of my contacts ?
What happens if I don't accept a contact ?
How to know if Franchispark users want to contact me ?
Do I have to pay every month to keep my contacts ?
I cannot display the complete form for a user I wish to contact.
How to change my password ?
How to change my profile information ?

How to advertise on FranchiSpark ?

FranchiSpark offers you the possibility to communicate in an extremely precise way, for that several offers options are at your disposal.
For more information, please contact us